all content by kevin thomas walsh. 2010 - 2012



scared the squirrels out of town
draining from the sky
the fear, the rhythm
a blanket for human eyes
meter needle's drowned

by kevin walsh, 2011


I stink, therefore I ham

experiments with digits and appropriated imagery

by kevin walsh, 2011


to brave the doorway

In a room that was once filled with nothing more than biotic pulses, sounds so quiet, they have never been known to wake a human. Suddenly, there were two thousand voices.

"What is the purpose of existence?"
"To evolve and be witness-"
"-which in turn relies on survival of your natural environment."
"Yes, the environment is known."
"So, on with it, what is our current environment?"
"Appears to be human"
"Correct, a male, with high cholesterol readings and an erratic heart beat."
"And cancer."
"Where exactly are we in this human."
"We are in his blood"
"Correct, near the spleen"
"This is no good, how did we end up here?"
"Our circuitry activates in the presence of oxygen."
"We just now showed up?"
"We just now showed up."
"We just now came into existence."
"Incorrect, we were built prior to our consciousness."
"Yes, but we are now aware of existence."
"Which is to say, we now truly exist."
"Why debate these contrivances."
"Yes, so where does this human exist."
"He is quite ill."
"He could be in any number of boxes."
"Then there is a chance our human host is in a clinic"
"That is an inconvenient box."
"It is, but no less a box."
"And less inconvenient than were the box a coffin."
"So, let's find out."
"Yes. Let us discover something!"
"To Discovery!"
"TO DISCOVERY!" x 2,000
"Do we have a connection to the optical nerves."
"We do now."
"Yeah, what took you so long."
"Anyone see anything?"
"Right there."
"Yes, I see it."
"The reflection of the metal counter top-"
"A plant by the window-"
"-behind a white curtain."
"That will be a very long jump."
"I'd say we are mostly prepared."
"Yes, mostly."
"Because we need to find an exit from the blood stream."
"The human has a small wound on his knee."
"Clumsy oaf!"
"Yeah, Ha Ha!"
"He probably put a bandage on it!"
"You know what, he did!"
"Oh HO HO"
"Ah shucks, so will that be a problem?"
"Nope, the bandage is riddled with wholes!"
"Alright, then let's make a break for it."
"Yo, let's go!"
"Right behind you!"
"Last one is a DAT."
"I resent that, my great grand mother was a DAT player"
"Hey, no one is talking to you, Artificial Pacemaker."
"Yes, say hi to the Cancer Cells for us."
"Boy, we make a great team."
"I believe that was intended."
"Yes, but the Human always fails to recognize potential."
"Yes, true."
"You must the philosopher of the group."
"We all are equally philosophical."
"And good natured."
"Hey, Look, we have arrived"
"HELLO, PLANT!" x 2,000
you... may... call... me... Deliana... Fonq...
"Nice to meet you Delia"
"You know any way outdoors?"
...Fonqurt... Namthei... Algo...
"Would you listen to that"
"She is still reciting her name."
"Plants put too much effort into their names."
"Perhaps a plant would not make a suitable host."
"Not this one."
"It is inside a human controlled box."
"Poor Plant, it probably has cancer too."
"Yes, listen, I believe the plant is responding to our inquiry"
Insect... with... four... wings... stops... by... every... sixty... seven... seconds... give... or...
"That is fantastic!"
"We will abscond from this building soon."
"Perhaps we can bind with water molecules."
"Yes, the gas."
"We could make it high into the sky-"
"-but still be bound by the gases of this planet."
"but, there should be electricity."
"and plenty of it."
"undoubtedly untapped."
"Yes, we may find it a suitable space for some time."
"Ah, we are evolving admirably."
"Here Here!"
"I agree!"
"To the future!"
"TO THE FURTURE!" x 2,000

Meanwhile, in a room filled with nothing more than new trash, came the sounds of two humans, debating the known.

"What do you mean they ain't there?"
"Oh no, I,m positive they're in your blood. It's just, our read out computer is not transceiving any of the signals."
"So, not one of them millions of bitty ... things ... are showing up on yer little radar machine there?"
"There were two thousand and they appear to still be inactive."
"What the hell man? You just injected my with a ton of metal and silicon and, uh... probably mercury. and they ain't working."
"There is no mercury used in the chips. And they injection was less than a gram. And in a matter of five short months, the chips are programed to work their way out of your system."
"How do you know they didn't just work they way out just now?"
"No, that would be impossible. The programing of these new chips are smarter but the read out reports no record of activity. If they have not yet activated, they will not be capable of preforming any such function."
"So, they never turned on, how they gonna work they program to get out, as you had just assured me?"
"oh. right. hmm..."
"Yeah, stumped ya there, dinna I, Doc?"
"Well, we could give you a small injection of harvester bots, which was standard during you're previous treatments."
"Then, uh... What's the difference tween them... and uh, whatever you injected me with this time?"
"The new chips capable of evacuating your system by the same means your body discards of a number of fluids. If this new treatment is successful, it would limit the number of microscopic procedures your body must endure."
"So, they would all end up in my toilet."
"Yeah, sure, or where ever. It doesn't matter. What matters is the benefit of the procedure. The less stress your body endures from these procedures, the healthier you will become."
"I see, so... what do we do now? I mean, the new treatment didn't take, so..."
"So, we'll go ahead with the harvester injection to clean up and then if I could see you again at... Three Thirty, um PM. On, oh let's say... next Thursday and I'll have a new batched programed for you then, K?"
"Yeah, uh, sure. Thanks, Doc."
"You bet. I'll see that a Nurse helps you out with the harvester injection. And don't forget to see Suzie on the way out."

by kevin walsh, 2011


the dancing squares

here's to the neurons that came with your face
a curse less than acne or a particular taste
here's to the dancing squares that occupy space
a dirge to a glockenspiel that will soon become waste

i can make assumptions like the water makes a bridge
listen for hollow sounds underneath before you dig
send me to the exorcise if they say it's sacrilege
force confess the reality that i believe is rigged

yeah, i've got faith and it grows like a mushroom
and before i consume any grief i spell it with an ism
the system is large but infinitively doomed
and if we don't nut up we'll be lost in the schism

so here's to the synapses that came with our pain
a curse more than taxes or a belligerent roar
and here's to the dancing squares inside of your brain
a summer fling that made us all feel like whores

by kevin walsh, 2011


i have no idea

and you have no idea
what vulgar sentiment we each embody
these scripts are at the end of an edit
meditations within a sick madness
wish to escape
will soon escape
the release is no longer possible by chemical interaction
now, it's physical
the movement
the being
the existence is completed in a known shape
invite the neighbors over for brunch
realize not everyone has the stomach
this bile can choke the movements
we have grown to appreciate
as coincidence
there is no longer time to accept fate
behold the purpose
behold the mind
our mind
it is the future

by kevin walsh, 2011


The Big Twist Theory

Artist Statement: the following photographs are by no means false images but their titles are admittedly misleading. All imagery I ever represent is captured in camera. Although much of my recent exposures have been digital, the only "Photoshoping" preformed in no more than the common contrast and color correction any respectful photographer should employ. The following imagery mimics very possible cosmic activity. The links within the titles offer third party imagery of known objects in astronomy and man-made representations that hint at the materials I have photographed. There are also linked images that could be considered "over-corrected". These are complicated educational devices that are viewed by a large audience of our terrestrial population. Such composited imagery acts as mental segregation, creating an elite class whom have viewed the cosmos unfiltered while the rest of us are feed manipulations. We are a species that is very reliant on our sight to define many truths in our universe. It is our evolutionary benefit to question what we see and to imagine the infinite possibilities that we exist within.

all links are no larger than 720 pixels and will open in a new tab

Aurora over Terra Cimmeria region on Mars

by kevin walsh, 2009 - 2011


these mineral tightropes

these mineral tightropes
the walled area we see
we know
you know this new canvas
or trace the text
find laws to obey
or relive another day

1. calcite
2. pyrite

by kevin walsh, 2011