all content by kevin thomas walsh. 2010 - 2012


good samhain

in an old world, today is a day of celebrating the summer's end - a time to thank the universal mist for the  harvest - today we have no need to be thankful - the universal machines deliver what we think is meant to be digested - we just feel contempt that our employers want us to clock in tomorrow - we disguise ourselves in unimagined dreams and tell children it's good to eat shit for a night. i can list some substitutes but i would rather witness each moment society enacts around me - i currently have no observations to disclose to this network - the night is still young - at this current lapse, i will provide some purely visual observations on a certain spider that was once dear to my existence. this spider, particular species i can not identify (maybe a large recluse), lived at a house i recently moved out of - the spider made residence near the front porch light, no doubt to harvest the bounty of flies drawn to the light. the spider would create a web for the expected purpose and the neglect the structure after feasting - the spider would surround itself with webbing when not waiting for a catch and would rest, unflinching, for days until hunger returned. this spider's life was directly benefited by human's existence. it's nocturnal habits assisted by confused arthropods whose life's were also extranaturally influenced. eventually the spider would shed it's exoskeleton and then went missing. about a week later several other spiders, same species, made webs and practiced the same habits. i've since moved away from this pad and have not been able to continue my observations - however, during my unpacking at my new pad, i've found some spider eggs that may be whom i think it may be. fingers crossed. following are photos i took of the spider. i also provide a link to a pdf file -  Venomous Animals of Texas by Carolyn Insall, M.S. - it contains information everyone should know - most importantly i believe, is the information on spiders. spiders should be respected and encouraged to live within our spaces as cooperative individuals in the club of greater terrestrials. i will abridge a few facts - first, there are no poisonous spider species, unless eaten - bites from any spider specie can have varying reaction on different people but are not ever considered deadly - all spiders use venom to kill their prey - black widows and brown recluses are considered most venomous but should not be feared - both species are shy and are most inclined to stay out of human pathways. best wishes to all of you tricksters this evening - just remember - eggs and coffee.

by kevin walsh, 2010


Squash Bread

this is a quick bread recipe much like those for pumpkin bread
these are rough proportions:

1/3 c. olive oil
2 eggs
2 c. squash puree*
1/3 c. water

2 c. whole wheat flour
1/4 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 c. sugar (or a little less)
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp spices (use nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves, allspice, whatever you got)

* a medium size butternut squash can make 4-5 cups, and acorn squash can make 2-3 cups.
cut squash in half and scoop out seeds
cook in oven for an hour
let cool and scoop out with spoon
just mash it up with the eggs, oil and water

mix the dry ingredients, spare some of the flour to incorporate when mixing - if needed
mix it all together and pour into as many things as possible.

top with dried fruits or nuts or brown sugar or all or none

oven temp approx 325
this can make 12 muffins which will bake 25-30 minutes
larger loafs can take 45-50 minutes

this recipe has a lot of room for experimentation, and it's hard to mess up

acorn squash loaf with currants and pulverized pecans

butternut squash loaf sprinkled with brown sugar

 i like the butternut flavor, it's sweeter - acorn is easier to work with - there's a thousand things to do with half a butternut squash, maybe next time - be sure to save your seeds - roast them or plant them - planting them wont produce any squash but you can usually grow the blossom - a unique ingredient to throw in to particular dishes.

by kevin walsh, 2010


features an online gallery of my photograpghy work
and links to who's connected



the cursed spirits fall
when the sage burns their marrow
keep warm, they return

by kevin walsh, 2010