last post on this subject was over a month ago - i could snap some more photos and post them but, they wouldn't look as cool as that moldy orange up there and i'm kinda drained. well, here's one...
there, you happy... all my selected varieties are sprouting like champs. which answers the question of whether scavenged seeds while grow plants - now, will they bear peppers? won't know until another few months.
peppers evidently take a long time - no matter - they should not be planted outside until night time temperatures are at 50ยบ F and higher - i usually wait until after saint patty's day to shave my winter coat off. however, this year in tejas, spring feels like it came on quite early - hard to say. my sinus conjestion is telling me something is sending out some pollen - is that you mesquite? maybe and thank the cosmos - i'm fucking sick and tired of this winter season. bring on the heat, i say.
hey, check this out, a neat lady bug has been hanging out in my pepper's green house...
alright, i'm done with this thing today - peace out